Enabling circularity in key EU industries: remanufacturing for composites at Rematec Amsterdam – 9 April 2025

The transition to a circular economy is essential for the future of European industries. To explore the latest advancements in sustainable manufacturing, APRA Europe, in collaboration with META Circularity, invites you to a dedicated event at Rematec Amsterdam on April 9, 2025, from 14:00 to 17:00.

The event will begin with presentations from project coordinators, offering insights into different approaches to increase circularity:

  • REUMAN – Digitally-enhanced, human-centric remanufacturing solutions.
  • RECREATE – Circular strategies for fibre-reinforced composites.
  • ZEVRA – Zero-emission electric vehicles through harmonized circularity.
  • REMANET – Realizing circular economy goals through refabrication.

Following the presentations and Q&A sessions, an interactive workshop will engage participants in identifying key challenges and opportunities in remanufacturing, focusing on:

  • Creating a secondary market for regenerated composites, exploring design for disassembly, AI-driven material recovery, and best practices.
  • Enhancing traceability and Digital Product Passports, uncovering cross-sector opportunities and innovative tracking solutions.
  • Developing new circular business models, addressing supply chain innovations, remanufacturing opportunities in EVs, and customer engagement strategies.

The event will conclude with a group discussion and networking session, providing an excellent opportunity to connect with industry experts and stakeholders

This event is a part of Challenge Circularity initiative with the main aim to bringing innovation to market and accelerate the transition to  circular economy.

To register click on the button below:




Registration and warm up

Opening of the programme

Speed dating (Optional)

Moderator: Jurij Giacomelli, META Circularity, CDE Manager of RECREATE and rEUman 


REUMAN: Digitally-enhanced multi-level solution for smart human-centric 


Marcello Colledani, APRA and Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technology and Production Systems Lab; 

REUMAN coordinator


RECREATE: Fibre-reinforced composites going circular


Gianmarco Griffini, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”; RECREATE coordinator


ZEVRA: Zero emission electric vehicles enabled by harmonised circularity


Daniel Nebel, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU; ZEvRA coordinator


REMANET: Making the vision of a circular economy a reality through refabrication. 


Paolo Albertelli

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, REMANET coordinator


Conclusions and guidelines for the workshop


Short break


Introduction to the interactive workshop: Closing the loops of components and durable materials through remanufacturing


Topic I. Creating a secondary market for regenerated composites and other materials

  • Early lessons learned in design for disassembly and next life
  • Connecting the dots: do we know what to take in and what can the IA do for us?
  • Examples of best practices


Topic II. Traceability and Digital Product Passport

  • Cross-sectorial opportunities
  • Examples of best practices


Topic III. Challenges of new business models

  • Developing a supply chain for secondary materials
  • EV: design challenge, opportunity for remanufacturing?
  • Involving the customers in the adoption of new business models
  • Durability against transition to the new business model


Presentation of group work results and debate


Final conclusions

Marcello Colledani, REUMAN Project coordinator

Gianmarco Griffini, RECREATE Project coordinator

Daniel Nebel, ZEvRA coordinator

Paolo Albertelli, REMANET coordinator



Aperitive and networking

Closing of the event


Please, note that the programme is subject to final changes and adjustments.

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EU Composites Advantage Unveiled Conference – 22nd May in Ljubljana