29th January 2020, 14:00 – 18:00

Circular Expert Practitioners

Following the positive feedback Circular Business Academy was receiving during the year 2019 we are starting the year 2020 by presenting our new programme “Circular Expert Practitioners”. The first seminar is going to take place on 29th of January 2020 at 2pm at the premises of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia at Dimičeva Street 13 in Ljubljana.

This seminar is tailored for 25 people and is oriented towards educating about the CBA (Circular Business Academy) purposes and position, opportunities and obligations of Circular Expert Practitioners. During the seminar, participants will also be introduced to the Circularity Assessment concept.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!


14:00 Arrival of participants
14:15 Greetings and introduction
14:30 CBA 2020 programme presentation
14:45 The role of the Circular Expert Practitioner
–       Training
–       Position
–       Opportunities
–       Obligations
15:15 Q&A 
15:30 Circularity Assessment
16:00 Q&A 
16:15 Following steps
16:30 – 17:15 Programme wrap up and networking
