CBA organised several workshops at the RECREATE meeting in Bilbao

The RECREATE partners gathered for the second time at a consortium meeting on 15th and 16th November 2022 in Bilbao, Spain. GAIKER, the local project partner, hosted the meeting in the impressive Bizkaia Science and Technology Park.

The meeting activities revolved around Work Packages (WP) 1, 2 and 3. Representatives of project partners Politecnico di Milano, Cobat Compositi, AVK, Fraunhofer, IRIS, EDAG and Giacomelli media (CBA) presented overview of their progress after the first 6-months of the project.

Jurij Giacomelli, Matija Frandolič and Sebastian Žužek, representative of CBA organsied several workshops aimed at improving internal and external communication and dissemination of project results as well as identifying risks related to their tasks.

Partners also discussed several topics which included the analysis of European composites market, current composites recycling practices in Europe, legislative framework of recycling in Europe and target sectors that RECREATE project is addressing.

To read the full report from the meeting visit:


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