Circular Assessment Model (CAS 2.0), originating at the CBA, successfully adopted by the CIRCULAR4.0 Interreg Alpine Space project

On Thursday, 29th September 2022, Jurij Giacomelli and Sebastian Žužek representing the Circular Business Academy (CBA) attended the final event of the Circular4.0 project that took place in Bled, Slovenia. The event brought together more than 50 participants, members of all 15 partners from the Alpine region and representatives of companies that have been involved in the Circularity Acceleration Score (CAT4.0) training programme. CAT4.0 is primarily aimed at SME’s who want to increase their circular potential and become part of the circular economy.

Circular4.0 has helped more than 200 SME’s from the region during the course of the project in the partner countries (Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Slovenia) through a series of training sessions and has thus had a significant impact on the development of a sustainable and circular culture.

Gm and CBA played an important role in the project and contributed key expertise in the field of circular economy, circular business models and circular transformation. In the framework of the project, we upgraded our Circularity Assessment Score tool and designed a digital platform through which training for businesses was delivered. Furthermore, we carried out “train-the-trainers” workshops (Operators Training Course) as well as the Circular Acceleration Training (CAT4.0) for SMEs and provided experts and consulting services to more than 20 Slovenian SMEs selected by Tehnoloski park Ljubljana and Jozef Stefan Institute.

The event also featured a round table speaker, Juri Giacomelli, founder of Gm and CBA, who stressed the importance of maintaining the community that was formed during the project and encouraged the audience to proactively participate in future projects.

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